
The Truth About 911 Calls

Your stress level can be reduced significantly if you know that you can get help when you need it, should that need arise. Most people think that calling 911 is the solution to getting help quickly. Although, your 911 agency has your interests in mind, many times this service is quite inadequate and, in some cases, downright dangerous!

First you must consider the circumstances. We generally do not carry our phone around. It is too cumbersome or inconvenient to carry our telephone handset or even our cell phone all of the time – especially when we are home. So, in the event of a fall or other emergency, chances are you might be near a telephone. So, what do you do?

If you are lucky enough to be able to call, you must provide a lot of information to the 911 dispatcher. Who you are, where you live. This exchange takes more time than it should. As we all know, quick response means better outcomes. So, every minute delayed is detrimental to an excellent outcome.

That is where a medical emergency alert solution can come in handy. Wearing a small pendant can provide you the help you need when you needed most; simply by pushing a button. An emergency response center will connect instantly to determine your needs and dispatch the most appropriate help quickly. They already know who you are, where you live and even have your medical needs on file (medications, allergies.) They will contact the emergency service best suited to your immediate situation and even call family or friends if instructed. You’re have access to them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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